Quote Originally Posted by skech View Post
Not strictly a comment of acronyms but I just heard that the bookstore company Waterstone's (I think they are just based here in the UK) are removing the ' from their logo as they say that it will make it easier for younger people to understand and make it easier to enter in search engines, for texting and for social networking. What a bunch of bloody idiots.
For a company that should be fronting literacy, it is a rather dire move. Their excuses sound a bit odd - Google will work what you mean.

However, on a branding front I don't think it's a bad thing for them. The name Waterstone itself isn't that important. i.e. it's not Fred Waterstone, that well know Waterstone. The name just is "Waterstone's/Waterstones". It's more of a brand than a true posesssive word. Does that make sense? So you may as well just simplify it and keep the branding consistent and simple.

Of course this could be a PR stunt - sounds like one a bit. Because don't they have anything better to do? Like remaining in business?