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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Wyoming, Michigan

    WD6 I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    I'm new to Xara after being a long time user of MS Frontpage. I tend to procrastinate when it comes to webpage updates because I find Xara difficult to work with, but I'm trying hard to overcome that and get familiar with it. I think I miss seeing my html the most.

    My trouble today is that I updated my website and one of the graphics has sample text showing up in the published site, but I can't locate it in my design to get rid of it. The page is here: http://www.atlfcu.net/employment.htm

    I've tried hiding all the layers and looking at each one individually, but the text you see in the graphic just doesn't appear in my design. I'm stumped. Any suggestions or ideas would sure be appreciated.

    I have another issue with linked files, but I'll do a separate post for that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    Are you referring to the white text in front of the image that says Now Hiring?

    The text is white and so you might be having problems seeing it. But my guess is it is on the MouseOff layer.

    How many layers do you have on that page?

    Ah, try this. Select that image (Now Hiring) and cut it to the clipboard. Is the text under the image? Paste the image back in place using Edit > Paste in Place.

    Another thought. The white text might be a bitmap with a transparent background, a PNG file.
    Last edited by gwpriester; 05 January 2012 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    Found it in the HTML document:

    </a> <span class="xr_s37" style="position: absolute; left:595px; top:305px;"> <span class="xr_tl" style="top: -10px;"><span id="Panel:32text1"></span><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >Now Hiring</a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 18px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >Aliqua in incididunt et esse </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 32px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >occaecat tempor ut quis </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 47px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >eiusmod, officia veniam in </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 61px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >nulla elit? Eiusmod eu, fugiat </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 75px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >officia reprehenderit laboris </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 89px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >sint occaecat in lorem dolor </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 103px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >nisi id proident. Irure magna </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 117px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >sunt irure velit. Esse </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 131px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >exercitation commodo minim </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 145px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >qui do. Eiusmod mollit </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 160px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >veniam consequat minim </a></span> <span class="xr_tl xr_s38" style="top: 174px;"><a href="info.htm" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" >dolore quis est. </a></span> </span> <div id="xr_xo0" class="xr_ap" style="left:0; top:0; width:759px; height:100px; visibility:hidden;"> <a href="" onclick="return(false);"> </a>
    So it is actual dummy text.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Wyoming, Michigan

    Default Re: I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    I have three layers. My background is gold, but the page is white, so I moved the page over to see if the text would show up against the gold, but there doesn't appear to be anything under or on top of the page itself. I just removed the "Now Hiring" graphic and re-uploaded the page, and it's gone. I just put the graphic back in and it's back so it's gotta be in the graphic itself. I just can't see it in the design view. It must be in how I created that box with the help wanted sign. I'll try again. Thanks for taking a look.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Wyoming, Michigan

    Default Re: I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    OMG. I just had to add that I ungrouped the graphic and found the text underneath the picture. Hope this helps someone else!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: I see sample text on web, but not in design...help?

    Glad you got it sorted.

    It would help people more if you could explain how the text got grouped with the photo in the first place. Do you think you did this accidentally or are you using a template that someone at Xara needs to look at and fix?



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