Hi guys

Iam having a problem with putting a layer over a flashfile. It seems that when i open a layer over a flash file (in my case an Iframecode for a banner from bannersnack.com) the flash file comes over my layer.

When i was searching for awnsers on google, i came up with this: wmode="opaque"
You need to put it in your iframacode, but i tried several times, somethimes the flashfile doesn't show up and somethimes it comes over the layer again, when i replace the code

my iframecode:

<iframe src="http://files.bannersnack.com/iframe/embed.html?
hash=0a75c11a2cd34d771ec3c8c6b3791388&bgcolor=%233 D3D3D&alt=screenshot&wmode=window&t=1323697453" width="679" height="220" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

So where do i put the wmode="opaque" ?
