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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Skødstrup, Denmark

    Default The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    I consider this to be a relevant, not off topic link, as we the users of Xara products need to keep up with the world of webgraphics. With the CANVAS tag of HTML5 which is a brilliant new thing on the web, it should be considered as a new option to show your graphics online.

    The webapp I want to show you is a webapp to generate CSS3 based gradients. Perhaps it has not as many options (yet) as the products of Xara have, but nice to see anyway:

    I would love to hear about the plans of Xara Ltd to target graphics in canvas. Also the plans to export HTML which has embeded graphics as based on CSS3 and canvas.


    "Everything has two sides"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Very interesting link, Sten. I am sure the developers at Xara are aware of this (though not 100% sure )

    The benefit of course is a vector type gradient vs a bitmap would be a tremendous saving in bandwidth. The bigger question is does Apple support it?

  3. #3

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Bigger question is when html5 going to be a settled standard--and then when will the greater majority of users have a browser that supports html5 and CSS3?

    Take care, Mike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Mike I would say the answer to your questions will be sooner rather than later.

    Microsoft is working hand in hand with the HTML5 and CSS3 workgroups. This will be very important to MS as Windows 8 (or what ever it will be named) will be HTML5 and CSS3 on the new desktop. There is a developer edition available for download from MS if you have a spare machine to install it on. More of an Alpha edition rather than a Beta edition.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Well, if I were a betting man, Win8 will be before the full html5 spec is finished. Not that MS won't fully support it as far as it is finished. I even suspect there will be support for items that may never be in the finished spec or be changed after Win8 is published...And I like MS.

    Those specs still will leave out X number of a mature user base. Heck, people doing web stuff have to still have to cater a certain amount to that growing ever smaller at a snail's pace user group for the most part.

    All that said, as long as Xara is going to continue development of web stuff, I do want support of these two developing specs. But I think Xara needs to make other changes in its WYSIWYG approach to developing web pages along side of incorporating these two specs else it will be a partial implementation.

    Take care, Mike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Skødstrup, Denmark

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Hi all,
    HTML5 and CSS3 is very well supported in all modern browsers. The Apple browser, here I think about Safari, is using the same engine as Google Chrome which is webkit. Webkit is being used in many places as it is an open source engine. Apple iPhone (and any other safari browser in any other newer Apple product, for instance iPad) and Android operating system in fact is also using it!

    The trend out there in the HTML forums is to aim for the best (HTML5 and CSS3) and then catch the older browsers with javascript code. Many of the newer features of HTML5 and CSS3 can be safely used even down to MSIE 6 (which most people in the HTML forums hate). Think about it: Google maps has been around for a long time and that is a proof that vector graphics is possibel in browsers. Through browser sniffing Google have for a long time drawn in lines and such on their google maps in the browser. And as for MSIE browsers they have for a long long time been supporting VML (Vector Markup Language) an early state of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

    SVG is also comming and that is so cool IMHO :-)

    So my hopes are that my favourite graphics program: Xara Designer Pro 7 in future will be able to do such true web related exports when it saves a HTML version of a drawing.


    "Everything has two sides"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Skødstrup, Denmark

    Default Re: The internet with HTML5 and CSS3 is very impressive - see this gradient webapp

    Here is another example of a HTML5/CSS3 webapp which is a tool for generating "CSS3 animation paths", that is how an animation should evolve from start to end. http://cubic-bezier.com/#.8,.03,.43,.95
    What this shows is also that you today can use HTML5/CSS3 now - the webapp is it self made in HTML5.


    "Everything has two sides"



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