I searched the forum for SEO-related subjects, but saw nothing. Since WD is so graphics oriented, it would be great to have some separate list of steps so we can help search engines find and analyze the sites. For example, I found out that uploaded image file names, even if descriptive (ie. "Mt. Rushmore photo") get converted to a raw number in the code. That means that unless there is some added code by us, Google won't see it. In fact it's hard to find even myself since it's only a number.

I'm not a programmer, but it seems that the same is true of text, when a unique font or manipulation converts it into a graphic. The text can't be seen by Google since it's now just a number. My understanding also is that search engines skip over javascript and css, but I'm not sure.

Since WD has manual ways to add alt text, titles, html text code, etc., I think it would be useful to have a separate list of SEO suggestions of how we can overcome some of this. It would be nice if the code could also do more of this automatically, such as titling or alt-texting button names, photo names, or graphic text.