I am thinking about purchasing Xara Designer Pro 7 but I have several questions.

1) Xara Designer Pro 7 appears to be Xara Web Designer 7 Premium and Xara Photo Graphic Designer 7 combined.

What I don't understand is Xara Designer Pro 7 is $299, if it is in fact the two programs combined, couldn't I just purchase the two programs independently at $89 and $99 for a total of $188. Why is there such a price difference if it is the two programs combined? What is the advantage of buying just Xara Designer Pro 7?

2) What is the difference between what xara.com sells and magix.com sells? They appear to be the same thing?

3) With Xara Designer Pro and/or Xra Web Designer, I see alot of inline CSS, is there anyway within the program to have the CSS be external?