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  1. #1

    Default Exporting addon domain

    Hi Guys,
    I have just completed a test page for a new addon domain that I wish to publish to the web. When I go to publish, the files are exported to Xara Webs as is normal. However, the pop up box says that 'index' file will be replaced. I'm worried that my main site index page will be replaced in the export files, with the test page for the new addon domain.

    Should I be doing something else to ensure that there is no mix up, maybe like creating a separate folder in Xara webs, and if I do need to create a separate folder - should it have a specific name???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Exporting addon domain

    Are you trying to create a domain name within a domain name? For example mysite.com/logos. In this case logos needs to have a sub folder.

    If yes, you need to create a new folder in your main directory. Publish your new files to this folder including the index.htm or html file, your page files and your index_html_files folder. Use the web address that includes the sub folder, for example, mysite.com/logos

    The browser will look in the sub folder to see if there is an index.htm or html file and if it finds the file it will open the page.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Exporting addon domain

    Thanks for getting back to me Gary,
    I don't really follow what you are saying.
    I have a site up currently, with my web host - published and uploaded using Xara.
    I am putting up another site. It's a completely different site, with a different domain name.
    In my Cpanel I have added this new domain name as an 'addon domain'.
    Everything is good at the Cpanel end of things.
    Where I have a problem is at the Xara end. As you know, before you publish - your site is exported to Xara's export files. Normally when you alter your site and your site is exported prior to publishing, a pop up box appears telling you that you are about to alter your existing 'export' files.
    The home page of the original site is filed as 'index' as is normal.
    However the home page of the new site is also 'index'. My fear is that if I continue with the export, the original site index page will be overwritten.

    I don't know if I'm over complicating what I am saying.
    In the page properties dialogue I have added the new site as a sub folder etc and identified the FTP Host address.
    I figure I've got it all pretty much right except for the Export Files stage in Xara.

    If you can't figure out what I'm saying let me know and I'll try to clarify.
    Thanks again and best regards,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Default Re: Exporting addon domain

    When you added the addon domain, cPanel will automatically creates a new ftp user that is limited to the new addon domains webroot directory and subdirectories in the webroot directory.

    When you add an addon domain in cPanel, the webroot directory defaults to the domain name and creates a subdirectory in the public_html directory with that name, which can be overridden.

    So, if you use the new ftp username/password in XARA to publish the site, XARA will be limited to the addon domains directory and subdirectories, but, won't be able to touch any of the files/directories in the public_html directory itself.

    You can verify that by logging in with an ftp client first using the new ftp username/password. If you didn't save the username/password when the addon domain was created, just log into cPanel, go to the files section and click on FTP accounts. You'll see the ftp accounts there and what they have access to and change the password if needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Exporting addon domain

    Sorry, I did not understand what you wanted.

    Chris has answered your question.

    All I can add is in the Website Properties > Publish section, you can create profiles for your site or sites. So if you need the FTP for a different site and you have created a profile, then you can select the profile from the drop down list and save the trouble of entering all the FTP information again.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Exporting addon domain

    It's good to know that the forum works so well, rather than having to contact support.
    I'm still not 100% about what I'm doing, and I'll know soon enough.
    I've uploaded the new site & everything seems OK but I think I have to wait for it to propagate.
    So far so good.
    I think all will work out, so thank you guys for the input.
    Maybe I will be able to help out some of my fellow forum users sometime too.

    Your help is very much appreciated. To tell the truth I don't think I'd be able to manage this stuff with the manuals and sending support tickets. Thanks all.
    Best regards,




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