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Thread: Sorry...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Default Sorry...

    Just wanted to apologize to everyone for my recent posts. I didn't intend to target anyone and I won't insult anyone here by making up any excuses for my posts.

    Thanks to Covox for cleaning up my posts and making the thread useful again.

    In case anyone is wondering, no one contacted me and warned me about my posts, which I believe would have been appropriate.

    Since I discovered Xara, so long ago, I enjoy coming here and seeing all the talent the forum offers, with great envy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Reading. UK

    Default Re: Sorry...

    Takes a big man to say 'sorry'.

    Featured Artist on Xara Xone . May 2011
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    . Bottle Cap . My Second Tutorial on Xara Xone

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Crystal Lake, IL.

    Default Re: Sorry...

    I've been away for a while so I have no clue what Chris is talking about, but it's cool. We all have our moments.
    ~ Madalynne ~
    a.k.a.: M1SS D3V10US, a.k.a.: Sharkie

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Boise, Idaho, USA

    Default Re: Sorry...

    Quote Originally Posted by ckh View Post
    Thanks to Covox for cleaning up my posts and making the thread useful again.
    The thread has NOT been cleaned up ... not honestly.

    In case anyone is wondering, no one contacted me and warned me about my posts, which I believe would have been appropriate.
    I contacted you, in post #23 of "Host & Domain" thread (deleted by a moderator). You had called me a liar, publicly, in post #22.

    Your post #22 is still there, falsely calling me a liar, and promoting your web hosting at the expense of helping our new member, Meg.

    So I'm still being called a liar???? For giving HONEST advice to a new member, Meg? Members may still see me being called a liar, if they get there before the evidence is again destroyed.

    Is this a help forum, or a place where even moderators co-conspire with flamers, in some sort of insiders clique?

    Or is it perhaps a Monty Python sketch?

    THIS IS A LEGITIMATE FORUM ISSUE. Has anyone else been subjected to this type of abuse by a moderator? I have filed a formal complaint, and took screenprints of everything.

    As I stated (but deleted), I sincerely regret posting this.

    1) I help a new member

    2) I get trashed by somebody promoting his own business dishonestly, under the guise of advice

    3) A moderator jumps in to coverup the abuse ... and blame the victim.

    If this is common then we all suffer, correct? If anyone else has been abused like this, please PM to AntonyF

    I really hate wallowing in this cesspool, but I suggest it affects the level of help we all receive (and help we are all denied)

    I beg your indulgence.
    Last edited by mikehihn; 01 July 2011 at 10:45 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sorry...

    We all say and sometimes do the wrong things. Nobody died and we're all friends here. Have a drink, watch a film and move on Mike. In the scheme of things it's just a storm in a teacup.

    If we all went on witch hunts for this kind of thing TG wouldn't exist - nobody would want to be here.

    Good post Chris.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Default Re: Sorry...

    Thank you Chris. Although I don't feel an apology is probably needed.

    Your post was neutral, I would not say aimed at any one person. And anyone who has had experience with hosting knows that unlimited bandwidth IS a lie. It's a common marketing tactic for no end of companies, and most normal users probably wouldn't hit that limit anyway. But they always have ways to get out of it. So I think the statement stood for itself, and it's one I would have made as well.

    Mike seems to have taken this personally. And if you look at his site it says "Hihn Management expressly reserves the right to review every Account for excessive space and bandwidth utilization". There's ALWAYS that clause in contracts, and that's what Chris was referring to no doubt. And GoDaddy say themselves "if one particular user is overutilizing the space or bandwidth on a server, we must review that to ensure it is not affecting other users."

    So not against Mike personally, but against unlimited bandwidth because quite simply it doesn't exist.

    You need to calm down Mike and enjoy TG with in some other posts.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sorry...

    Mike, if you wish to discuss this further, just pm me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Boise, Idaho, USA

    Default Re: Sorry...

    If anyone wishes HONEST advice on webhosting, please PM me. I'll send you to a blog that specializes in beginners (or designers who need HONEST advice on hosting and management issues)

    The obvious example -- quoting my disclaimer at Hihn Management is either ignorant or dishonest ... unless one ass-umes that ALL my hosting packages are unlimited. Hint: they aren't.

    Apparently, AntonyF is as confused about webhosting as Chris is. And they'd rather do coverups than help you guys.

    I'll stick around a day or two for PMs, then go to where members are appreciated, I've already deleted my online endorsement of TG.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sorry...

    Pauland, I'll move on when the slander about me is deleted.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Boise, Idaho, USA

    Default Re: Sorry...

    Apparently, AntonyF is as uninformed as Chris is about unlimited hosting. I explained it all once, but it's all been deleted, so I shan't waste time again.

    Hint: google "shared servers" which were invented for that very purpose. The argument against assumes that everyone maxes out at the same moment -- or that you can't run 30TB of data on a 0.5 GB server, which is about as crazy as it gets.




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