Ok, I've downloaded the relevant files and put them in a local folder with the htm files and index_html folder.

I put supersized.3.1.3.min.js and supersized.3.1.3.js in the js folder but couldn't find jquery.xxxx.min (jquery.3.1.3.min.js)

I added the code into the header section of two placeholders (1 with the slideshow code and 1 with the overflow tweak)

I updated the image locations to C:\Ryan\Documents\... \slideshow\xxxx.jpg etc

I made the background tansparent and the work area... I think (I may need clarification on this one)...

... AND it's not working

Have you tried this to see if it works? Is there any chance you could pretty pretty please do a quick example and upload a zip file with .xar, .htm, .js etc? (eyelids flutter)

Nothing fancy... just so I can follow what you've done?