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  1. #1

    Default confused about optimizing


    I tend to prefer optimizing my images in photoshop before pulling them in to web designer 7. So, say for example I have an image that is 260k, I add it to webpage and export the
    page, looking in the files web designer has converted it to a png and now the file size is 630k. So, I went to optimize the image from the utilities menu and the image is a jpg. Optimized as a jpg and exported again - still exported as a large png.

    Basically, I don't want web designer to change the image, the resolution etc and I want it to export is within the web page as the same size if possible as the smaller file which I imported as a jpg. Can't get it to do that though!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Xara Group Ltd

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Is the image rotated on the page or have ou applied transparency to it? If so, then it gets exported as a PNG so that it can include transparency (the "corners" in the rotated case need to be transparent) and anything showing through doesn't need to be included in the image (which can result in JPEG artifacts or slight misalignment of text making things look wrong). You can force an image to be exported as a JPEG by selecting the JPEG option in the Image tab of the Web Properties dialog.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Alternatively, if you want your image file to stay untouched, you can use image placeholder. Create placeholder object (rectangle, it may actually be your image so that you can see how it looks while editing). It may even have different size than your original file, in which case it will be scaled by the browser while the image file will remain original. With the placeholder object selected, open Web properties dialog, Placeholder tab, and click Browse button by the "Replace with graphic file" field. Select your image. It will be automatically exported with your website and it will replace the actual placeholder object, which is not exported.

  4. #4

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Thanks for the replies,

    The image itself is in a clipped shape group which is probably the problem but, I cannot find a way in WD 7 to remove the clipview? This was initially created in Designer 6. Is the option to
    remove the clipview (under arrange) not available in WD7?



  5. #5

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    You can't remove clipview in WD7 like you can with Xtreme or Designer Pro, but you can right-click the clipped group and choose 'Select clipped objects' then press ctrl+X to remove the object followed by ctrl+V to paste to the page unclipped. Remove the now empty clipping mask.

    Otherwise, as GerryI say's, force WD7 to export the image as a JPEG from the web properties menu.
    Screenshot -- http://i.imgur.com/I4NhA.png

  6. #6

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Thanks again,

    I had to delete the image, paste it back over what was the clipview shape and then clip it to roughly the same as the shape (luckily it was a rectangle).

    When in the clipped view even forcing it to save a jpg didn't work, the option was selected but WD7 must have been over writing this and saving as a png.

    I didn't realise a clipview wasn't available in WD7 - a useful time saving feature.

  7. #7

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Quote Originally Posted by awilson3rd View Post
    When in the clipped view even forcing it to save a jpg didn't work, the option was selected but WD7 must have been over writing this and saving as a png.
    Are you certain you are pressing 'apply' after selecting to export as JPEG? Because this really does work, it can't be ignored no matter what the graphic started out as.

    Screenshot -- http://i.imgur.com/Z4PBq.jpg
    (This also demonstrates why exporting an irregular shape as JPEG when the shape is used to repel text is a bad idea)

  8. #8

    Default Re: confused about optimizing

    Doesn't work with the apply. I have a photo on top of a rectangle and this is a 'clipped shape' within the layers palette. If I right click and select clipping shape it only selects the rectangle, if I set this to jpg in the properties dialogue and then also click on the actual image in the clipped shape and do the same it still exports both the rectangle and the image as a png file, even though when checking the web properties dialogue again it is set to export as a jpg. Tried this over and over with several images and always the same, have removed the export files and still the same.

    The only way around it (which is time consuming) is to delete all the images, then paste over the rectangle and then clip just the image to the approximate size of the shape, then it exports it as a jpg.






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