I have bought the disk and heard about the content package.

Tried installing the contents pack just to be stopped with the error message telling to to unlock it first. I went to the troubleshooting page and it told me to go to "Help" in the program and click "download contents".

There IS NO link called "download contents"!

Went back and scrolled down through totally disrelated links that have NOTHING to do with 3D Maker 7 (though it was in its troubleshooting page) and it told me to uninstall the program, reinstall it as an administrator, then download the contents pack and install that as an administrator... Didn't work! Still got the error meddage telling me to unlock the program.

It can't be unlocked when there's nothing to unlock when you have the program on disk!!

At wits end!! Either create a fix or give me a workaround so I can add the contents.