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  1. #1

    Default Tribute To Thunder

    I just finished up the final update to my Lab, Thunder's, web site. Thought I would post a link to it and share with anyone interested. I lost Thunder in August of 2009 and it crushed me! He was like my kid. He went everywhere with me( hunting, fishing, errands, to work, just for rides, etc... ). Having to put him down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

    I had always kept a web site up and going about him starting in 2008 when he was 2. I would update it every year with new photos from the hunting season and such. Over the years the site grew in size and content and even had pictures of other dogs and such.

    After he passed I just couldn't bring myself to do that last update. I would try but my heart wasn't in it. I finally got it done today though. So if anyone is interested stop bye and take a look. There is all kinds of cool stuff to look at. Videos, pictures, slideshows, his dog food advertising info, the newspaper story about him, and more.

    If you drop in I hope you enjoy it. Thunder was the best and I tried to honor his memory with this last update. The site was redone from the ground up and even the pictures were rescanned and such to ensure it was the best I could make it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Losing a pet is almost harder than losing a loved one. A loving tribute.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Excellent and moving tribute to a wonderful companion and friend
    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Thanks. I appreciate the comments.

    I have one issue that has cropped up with it that I can't seem to solve??? I posted on the technical forum but no one responded so maybe someone who sees it here might know.

    On the photo pages I used standard photo galleries from the design gallery. Only changes made was to bump the picture image to JPEG 100%. For some reasons some of the photos keep displaying with little speckles in them almost as if pixels are missing.

    This happens in IE and happens in WD Preview( is it based on IE? )but not in FireFox? I have actually checked out the photos online to see if what is on the web host is corrupted( bad upload )but they are fine. I just don't understand and it is really bugging me. This is a personal site so I uploaded it anyway and will try to fix it when I can but if this happened on a clients site with a deadline and such I would have problems.

    Just can't seem to figure it out. Any ideas? This is what I am talking about...

    Screen Catpure 1:

    Actual Photo( from web host files downloaded over internet ):

    Screen Catpure 2:

    Actual Photo( from web host files downloaded over internet ):

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Problem fixed!

    Apparantly there is some kind of issue with IE and really dark pixels on JPG's. Another member posted on the tech forum about it. The solution is to change those problem images to PNG's I had already done that in an attempt toi fix it so I had already discovered the answer before he posted. Wish I had seen it 2 hours ago to save myself a lot of work trying to fix it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Great website tribute to Thunder! I also wanted to thank you for posting the solution you found to your missing pixel problem. Most folks don't take the time to "finish the conversation" when they discover a fix on their own like you did. Have a great weekend!

    Steve Gibson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Just through checking the website, and I think it is a great tribute for a great pet. I'm pretty sure wherever he is, he'll appreciate the effort and time you've exerted to finish that website. Thanks for sharing!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Quote Originally Posted by CompleTek View Post
    Great website tribute to Thunder! I also wanted to thank you for posting the solution you found to your missing pixel problem. Most folks don't take the time to "finish the conversation" when they discover a fix on their own like you did. Have a great weekend!

    Steve Gibson

    Yeah, it always kind of bugs me when people just drop out of a thread when they post about a problem. They either never acknowledge the answers and help given or if they solve it, like you said, they never come back to update it which can help someone else down the road else. To me it is just a common courtesy to say thanks and/or update.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    Quote Originally Posted by johnbriner View Post
    Just through checking the website, and I think it is a great tribute for a great pet. I'm pretty sure wherever he is, he'll appreciate the effort and time you've exerted to finish that website. Thanks for sharing!
    Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Tribute To Thunder

    What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful dog. The slide show with music brought a tear to my eye. I bet it was a healing process to do this website for him. Thanks for sharing. XO




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