Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
I have NEVER had this problem with any other web site I go to so why does Xara not do automatically what it would appear other design programs are doing?
The other programs don't do any more or less than Xara. The differrence is that Xara makes it easy for you to layout your pages and takes control of all the hassle to do with graphic images. Because it takes control and may resize or process these for you, it numbers them. When you change a layout or one or more images, the numbering of the images may change. If you make wholesale changes then your website conent for image "99.png" may be changing and if the web page is in the users cache the page will look muddled.

The other web design programs make you do all the work and small changes don't result in changing the graphics names or images.

This problem was mentioned in post #2 on this thread and the OP has taken some time to catch on.

I don't know of any web design software that automatically refreshes the users cache on every visit - it's bad for performance. Most web developers don't keep altering the site many times per day.

You can blame Xara for the problem, but it has nothing to do with a bug in their software. It would probably be better if they supplied an option to always refresh the page, but it really shouldn't be used as a default behaviour.

This, other "bugs - problems" and a comment I read a while back that, "Xara does not play well with others" or something like that does not give on a warm and fuzzy feeling about actually using this program to design a web site. - jb
I made the comment about Xara not playing well with others. Web developers need to realise that Xara hides a lot of complication from them. Other programs give you complete freedom and you need the skill and knowledge of the underlying technology to use them.

I'm not really aware of bugs in Xaras web generation, only misunderstanding and assumptions made by those who don't really understand the underlying technology but want to go beyond the standard facilities offered by the software.

Keep to what the software does well and you can have a warm and fuzzy feeling. Try using it like it's Dreamweaver, then expect difficullties.