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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Unhappy Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    It's been a while since Ive been able to spare some time for my website and I have run into a design problem.

    I would like the background of my first page to be a slideshow. However I would rather not use flash. Is it possible to create a slideshow in XARA WD6 that will also automatically starts when the site is viewed?

    I love flash but I want my website to work on the iphone. I personally hate iphones but thats probably coz I havn't got one. I think I want one. Damn iphones

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    I am not sure about this but I believe the hislide module that Xara uses for slide shows used Java Script and not Flash.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    Thanks for the reply gwpriester.
    Hislide? I will look into that and post my results when I get it working. Javascript would be ideal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    So I checked out Hislide or should I say Highslide. Looks very complicated and I couldnt work out how to actually create a slideshow. It looks like it's made for thumbnail previews.

    Anyways, I decided to look down other avenues and I'm thinking an animated gif might suit my needs.
    Main issues with animated gifs -
    - the overall filesize (only really need to slide between 3 or 4 images tho)
    - only uses 256 colours (could be an issue with quality)
    - no tweens or transitions between frames (to create a fade transition would mean adding more frames which in turn increase file size)

    I'm gonna try it out but I'm not feeling positive about the results.

    Another avenue I'm looking down is adding external scripts from http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex14/index.html but again it seems way too complicated for a simple person like myself to work out. Anyone had any success?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Kristiansand, Norway

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    Hislide is built into Xara, and very easy to use. It's what Xara uses when you add a link to an image "Popup photo".
    However it does show the slide show in a frame floating above the page, which may not be what you want?
    Neither does it start automatically.
    I did a little test with one of those dynamicdrive scripts, Flexislide http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...flexislide.htm , and it worked very well.
    It tested how it would work with transparent overlay and objects behind the slideshow, which worked flawlessly
    I just copied the srcipt from the page and put it inside a HTMLplaceholder in Xara (600x400px).
    Then I changed the filenames (with relative path) and put the files into an img folder located at the same place as the index.htm file.

    variableslide[0]=['img/1-1-1.jpg', '', '']
    variableslide[1]=['img/1-1-4.jpg', '', '']
    variableslide[2]=['img/1-1-9.jpg', '', '']
    variableslide[3]=['img/1-1-12.jpg', '', '']
    variableslide[4]=['img/1-1-14.jpg', '', '']
    variableslide[5]=['img/1-2-1.jpg', '', '']
    //configure the below 3 variables to set the dimension/background color of the slideshow
    var slidewidth='600px' //set to width of LARGEST image in your slideshow
    var slideheight='400px' //set to height of LARGEST iamge in your slideshow, plus any text description
    var slidebgcolor='#A3A3A3'
    //configure the below variable to determine the delay between image rotations (in miliseconds)
    var slidedelay=3000
    I also changed the delay to 4sec.
    And the max size to 600x400px.
    When publishing I transfered that img folder manually.
    But it could probably be made automatically by "hiding" the images somewhere?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Maghull UK

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    Last edited by zaphodeist; 06 February 2011 at 06:38 PM.
    JOHN -XaReg (FB) XaReg (DB - ignore prompt to register)
    Windows 10 [Anniversary] pro Intel Pentium CPU G630 @ 2.70Ghz RAM: 4 GB; 64-bit x64

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Maghull UK

    Default Re: Is it possible to create a slideshow without Flash

    Last edited by zaphodeist; 06 February 2011 at 07:46 PM. Reason: clarification
    JOHN -XaReg (FB) XaReg (DB - ignore prompt to register)
    Windows 10 [Anniversary] pro Intel Pentium CPU G630 @ 2.70Ghz RAM: 4 GB; 64-bit x64



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