Totally new to all this and still don't understand alot, trying to learn. Using WD6.
I have been building a website for my daughters new business and we have just put it up on the web end of Jan. I notice in the urls for the pages after the address / some page titles have, eg: about%20us.htm or contact%20us.htm. Services is ok, reading services.htm, same with index.htm and the up-dates page, the others all have the %20 in their titles.
Is this something I have not done right when adding the new pages?

I have done my meta tags for each page and in the title it does not read with the %20 in it.
Any help would be wonderful if it's not supposed to be like this, and how I can remove the %20 from the page urls.
Sorry but I do not know nothing of html or html editing, one of the reasons for getting WD6 so it would do it all for me.
