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  1. #1

    Bug Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Hi all,

    Please, help me to test this XARA feature
    of exporting a PDF with layers.

    Download the file: _Peppers.xar
    and export it as a PDF version 1.5
    or higher where each Xara Layer is
    exported as a Pdf layer.
    Post your results in this message

    In my side, when I export to a Pdf with
    layers, the result is that all layers are
    stacked in the correct order, with the
    Stained glass transparency applied correctly,
    BUT I could not HIDE or SHOW the individual
    layers. It's like the Pdf file do not have
    multiple layers, just one. The effect that
    I look for is to demostrate how every CMYK
    primary color overlays the others to print the
    color image.

    You could download all individual grayscale TIF
    images, inside the ZIP file attached to this message.

    This image named "Pepper" is part of the
    collection of Miscellaneous Test images

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Hi Alejandro,

    It worked okay for me. Once into the PDF file, click the layers icon on left, and then click the options icon (cogs) and click ‘expand all’.
    Visiting/participating in TalkGraphics since i/us (’97).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    No, it does not works in my side.

    Could you compress the Pdf file
    and post here or in some free file
    sharing webhost (MU, RS, Etc.)?

    Thanks in advance, James!


  4. #4

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    The zip file only reduced it by a few bytes, so I'll just post the PDF file.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	capellan-01.jpg 
Views:	256 
Size:	54.5 KB 
ID:	79234   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	capellan-02.png 
Views:	277 
Size:	105.2 KB 
ID:	79235  

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Visiting/participating in TalkGraphics since i/us (’97).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Layer display in this Pdf is exactly
    what I am looking for! :-D
    But where are the CMYK colors?
    Are not visible in the Xara file?

    After I imported the grayscale
    images, they were given a Primary
    color (Black, Cyan, Magenta or Yellow)
    in their Dark Contone setting:

    Then, I applied a Stained glass transparency
    to each one. In this way, the four images
    superimposed would recreate a Full color image.

    This works really nice inside Xara.

    If that works the same in the Pdf,
    showing and hiding their layer, you could
    verify how the Primary CMYK colors add up
    to display the image.

    Could you add the correct dark contone color
    to the grayscale images and then apply
    the Stained glass transparency?

    Then save as a pdf with layers and
    repost your results.

    Many thanks again for your time
    to test this!


  6. #6

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Hi capellan,

    The images in your zip file above were all grayscale images. Did you make them into the contones you speak of?
    Visiting/participating in TalkGraphics since i/us (’97).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Yes, in the Xara file these grayscale images
    are colored in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
    and Black.

    Look at the jpeg attached to this message.

    Did you test the Xara file? Does it look different than
    this jpeg file when you open it?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	_Peppers_AllColors.jpg 
Views:	259 
Size:	136.0 KB 
ID:	79254  

  8. #8

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    When I open the xara file all the tifs are grayscale. I can add the cmyk colours but the end result is still way too dark. I guess this has something to do with the version I'm using, but normally files that open for me open properly. Perhaps someone would like to try this with DP6.
    Visiting/participating in TalkGraphics since i/us (’97).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers

    Now I am worried. This file was created in
    Xara Xtreme CD Jul 13 2007

    Why this Xara file loses their CMYK colors
    when opened in other application version?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Error exporting XARA file to PDF with Layers


    your coloured bitmaps are coloured in version 2 but the colour is lost in DP6
    I think it has to do with the change in the way bitmaps are now handled in the program
    In version 2, and presumably 3, you simply right clicked on the colour to achieve the effect you have - in later versions there is a popup menu and you need to contone dark or light colour to achieve this effect - so it has been lost
    Last edited by handrawn; 10 January 2011 at 10:35 PM. Reason: javascript glitch
    Nothing lasts forever...



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