Hi All,

As a complete novice to the world of web design, I have finally managed to get my site onto the web! That is a major mile stone for me. I have asked friends and family to take a look with a view to constructive feedback and a couple of folk have come back to me with the following problems.

The first is that when a friend opened the site in his Internet Explorer browser, the text was all over the place, with words overlapping other words. This isn't how it looks on the version I have saved on my hard drive! Another said that when he tried to view the site through his smartphone, there big gaps with text missing. I have just looked at it through my smartphone, and I get the same. This concerns me because so many people view the net via their mobile phone.

I have viewed the site via the internet on my laptop and desk top computers and through IE and Google Chrome, and I can't reproduce the fault other than when I make the web page smaller in the browser, in which case rather than simply making eveyrthing on the page smaller too, the website text overlaps each other.

If you have any suggestions, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks for any assistance or thoughts.