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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Web design copyright

    I recently was approached about copyright on websites, as I understand it, it goes something like this.

    • If the contract did not mention copyright then the designer owns the copyright.

    • The customer only owns any original content that they supply, text, photos etc.

    • If the contract gives copyright to the customer and the customer wants to web files then any photos or graphics/icons etc sourced by the designer (Royalty free or licensed) cannot be given to the customer as usually the designer it the licensee.

    • Always specify if any original artwork/graphics belong to you or the customer, this can be hazy even if the customer commissions the artwork.

    • If you do give the files to the customer they are still obliged to include your design credit. Also you have the right to have your credit removed if they then change the design in any way, or if they do anything on the site (defamation etc) which damages you or your company by association.

    • You have the right to check any text the customer provides to make sure it is not taken from another web site, using a tool such as copyscape. Make this clear from the beginning as it will reflect badly on you if they do duplicate the text.

    Most if this is worthless unless you have a contract, always have a contract and get the customer to sign it before you start any work.

    I am new to web design so please do not take this as correct, I have posted this to get some of the more experienced guys and gals on here to add to, take away or correct any of these bullet points.

    Flawless Form. Faultless Function. Crafted by Cloud


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Web design copyright

    You are mostly correct. However, most website design comes under work for hire in which the client does own the copyrights to the site and the content unless otherwise specified.

    I retain the copyright to the sites I design until I am paid at which time I assign the copyrights to the client.

    You can negotiate any kind of deal you want.

    But your most important point, do not do any work for anybody unless you have agreed beforehand as to the nature of the project, the timetable for payment and delivery, and a price for revisions. Clients are not as keen to do endless revisions if they know they are being charged for the designers time.

    And if any client balks at a contract and says, I do business with a hand shake, be very wary.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Web design copyright

    Very importent info, because i'm a new for web design, and the info made me known about copywright!Thanks for your wonderful sharing!




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