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Thread: web photos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default web photos

    How can I have a photo pop up when a text field is clicked. I have many photos on the site so I don't want to use the pop up layer command since they all have to upload in the beginning. I don't like the pop up photo since you can only enlarge photos.

  2. #2

    Default Re: web photos

    I don't like the pop up photo since you can only enlarge photos.
    No true. You can set the popup size to whatever you like

  3. #3

    Default Re: web photos

    Quote Originally Posted by yogesh mistry View Post
    How can I have a photo pop up when a text field is clicked.
    You could create a popup custom browser window using this technique

    Pre loading is actually a good thing, especially with modern internet speeds not sure why you don't want it - your visitors don't want to wait to long to see the result of a link.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: web photos

    thanks sledger but what i am really trying to do is the following:

    have a list of architecture projects on the left side of the screen. as I click on the individual project a new photo to the right/ main body of the screen comes up. and also if there are more than one photo for each project i want to create a little number bar at the bottom of the screen to cycle through the images of that individual project.

    I want something similar to : http://www.sladearch.com/main/page.php?a=3&b=22&c=2

    hope you can help. I can probably make the pop up layer work but if i have a lot of photos (possibly over 100) that loading them all up in the beginning may take too long.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: web photos

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Do not fight it. Do what Steve suggests.

    Create a pop up layer for each photo and link each number to the pop up layer. It will work just fine.

    I have used a variation of this technique here http://www.gwpriester.com/vector-Illustration.html If you keep your images small in file size they should load instantly. And you can make them any size you want. But the larger photos may take longer to load.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: web photos


    I created something similar to your example except that I have buttons on the bottom when clicked (not mouse over) make a pop up layer come up with an image. My only problem is if I click somewhere on the background the picture disappears. Can I avoid this? I have mulitple buttons on the bottom so as long as someone clicks on the buttons its fine but if someone accidently clicks on the background the image goes away . I do not want to place a default image on the background layer since my image size varies and the viewer will see an overlap of images once they select the different buttons.




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