Um, I believe it has some integration with DreamWeaver with graphics in that should you need to edit said graphic just double click and it will open up Xara... they all used to do this through OLE but.. and I won't go any further here ( also, I must admit to not having much experience with Xara and exporting... after the first few floating point exceptions cropping up I but gave up doing things in this manner... perhaps other will have experienced different and will share such )

Xara allows you to build graphics easily, and moreso, for this example, web layouts... you then slice your graphics, optimize same and save ... open up FP and do up those tables and start inserting your graphics... don't let a little thing like integration stand in the way of what is a pretty straight forward procedure... if your pic is saved as a gif you can copy and paste from FP into Xara for further work anyways... for the jpegs, well, open file works, maybe not as fast as OLE type functions, but... the job still gets done...

have fun and good luck eh

[This message was edited by gidgit on April 18, 2003 at 10:45.]