Sorry to see your so upset, Jens.

But we really do not see WS2 as infringing or competing with your skills/offerings in any way.

Its target market is truly toward those with no artistic skill whatsoever (or very little, or simply no time). The group is mostly made up of those that want to put their own personal site (or a very small business site) together. In other words, people that are not in the habit of paying someone for design work.

And you really shouldn't be selling yourself on the products you use. A painter doesn't go on and on about the brushes he uses, he simply presents his work and lets it speak for itself. Besides, every company in the market has dabbled in the low end. Adobe with ImageStyler, PageMill, and Photoshop Lite is a good example. And they don't seem particularly hurt from the experience.

And to be point blank honest, we need a lot more product to sell than just Xara X if we want to stay in business and continue development. Granted, Xx is a great product, but it can't pay all of the bills...especially between releases.

Oh, and just a note. I do appreciate the advice on ACD. For your information, Kate averages around 500 emails a day...and is in the middle of product release. Granted, she should have at least dropped a note to you, but please understand that we are all intensely busy at the moment...and Kate, doubly so.
