I guess there's two things there.. there's Gary, and there's the forum. The forum has had very litlte posts about the book, is being mis-used (i.e. posts that have nothing to do with it) and it's for software that's now last version. So I think purely on a forum level, it doesn't fit into the new structure... and I really want to rationalise and clean the structure.

Gary is always welcome here. I have asked if he'd contribute as a moderator on other forums, but he said he cannot afford the time to do so. He said that previously he wasn't allowed to promote his own site, but I have given that the OK - I'm quite happy to promote it, and we can 'coexist peacefully'. I am also happy to promote any of Gary's activies, and maybe have 'launch event forums' if he were to release other books etc.

I do think the way I told Gary could have been better, and I apologise for that. That's partially due to my shooting out messages in my lunch hour, and an eagerness to progress the forum reorganisation ASAP.