If this is the wrong section for posting, please re-direct me. I have searched for a solution.
Using XX5, I've created a draft web page background (see xara file attached).
I drew a full-page image of how I want the web page background to look like using vector shapes and graduated fills and transparencies. I then made a bitmap copy, making sure it was wider in whole pixels than the web page's width and set it as the background. The background is the only item on the drawing page prior to exporting. On viewing the exported index file in a browser there are two white, vertical, narrow bands running down the background, either side of what I assume is the actual page's horizontal boundaries.
Is there a way to make this graphic seamless across the whole page, please?
I've had to attach the xara file as I don't have any hosting just now and I don't know how else to share and display it. I've attached a screen dump of the index file in IE8, but the lines aren't centrally-placed in the browser window. The left line is just visible at the left.