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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southeastern, USA

    Talking Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Quote Originally Posted by neodeist View Post
    Are you going to repost some of those really helpful mini-tutorials Frank? Bookmarked some but you disappeared them Welcome back anyway
    Quote Originally Posted by beretgascon View Post
    I've no idea what could have posessed me to "disappear" them... * If you remind me what they were I can post them to my gallery if I remember how that's done. I'm sure I still have them, I tend not to throw anything away.
    Welcome back Frank. I too miss the mini-tutorials and all of the fantastic drawings that you had posted before deciding to 'disappear them'. I wouldn't mind seeing the VW Microbus, the Beer Mirror, and the rest of the lot magically reappear.

    Here's a short list of the mini-tutorials that I remember (there were probably more):
    • Chrome Tutorial 1
    • Chrome Tutorial 2
    • Creating an Inner Shadow
    • How Not to Stretch Circles
    • Repel Text Inside a Character
    • SigTutorial

    Stick around,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Hi Harry,

    Many thanks for your kind words. It's been a while since I was here and from what I have read in the past few days things have changed for the better in some ways, for the worse in others. I've been through my own personal hell since I was last here and hope the worst is over and I am starting a period of relative peace and calm.

    I've had a look around my User CP to see what's new, what's old and what's gone. I would be happy to post any images that people feel are helpful on the condition that I, as the copyright holder, retain control of those images. The rules state clearly on this page that All rights are retained by the original creator or copyright holder.

    However, in all practicality, this is not the case. How so, you might ask? Well, if you go to your Attachments panel, you will see that you are not able to select an individual or multiple attachments to delete them. This means that if you choose to remove an image to which you hold the copyright, you have no option but to ask a moderator to remove it for you. What if the moderator disagrees and refuses where necessary to maintain forum continuity (quoted from the rules)?

    Even worse, if you have the misfortune to be banned, you no longer have any access to your User CP / Attachments page. This means that you will have no way of even listing the images that are owned by you but which are no longer under your control.

    I have written to Xara about this issue (as an artist and designer it is important to me) because when I raised it on these forums the matter was brushed off by certain moderators who decided I was being belligerent instead of understanding that I was raising an important intellectual copyright issue. Xara replied to me telling me that any image will be removed at a user's request. Well, as you can see from the above, if you are a prolific poster with hundreds of attachments, this is virtually impossible.

    I don't know who took the decision to remove our right to delete our own Attachments, but until the ability for any user to delete any of his Attachments is restored I will be very wary of posting anything of value.

    The alternative is for me to restore those mini-tutorials and copyrighted images onto my own server for public access (which I am very happy to do). However, as it states here, Images should be uploaded to the TalkGraphics server [...]. This is to ensure that such images are always available. Images hosted by third party hosts are susceptible to host closures/crashes etc and often render threads unintelligible. The XaraXone is hosted on a different server and IP to talkgraphics.com. There are god knows how many posts on this forum pointing to pages on the XaraXone, posts which will be rendered unintelligible if the site goes down. It is perhaps an unfair comparison because the same people look after the XaraXone and Talkgraphics servers, but the fact remains that an issue with one will not affect the other and vice versa (unless 1&1 Internet go down!).

    In a world full of different graphic apps, I have a lot of time for Xara ones. I've always liked posting. Moreover, I like helping people. But whoever has fiddled with the users' control panel permissions has created this issue.

    Sorry guys.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Southeastern, USA

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    That's too bad. I respect your position on the matter, though.

    Well, I guess that's that.

    Will someone please close this thread?

    'Nuff said,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Forum rules apply to all your actions. Forum continuity is one of the main priorities in moderators work. You still hold the copyright for all the materials uploaded to TG but doing so you agree for TG to keep them on-line as long as it is considered important for the forum. If you do not agree, please avoid posting anything.
    If you publish some image in the printed magazine, what happens with your copyright? Are you still able to remove the image from all magazine copies sold?

    And one more thing, let me remind everyone that discussing moderator actions is prohibited on this forum.

    Thanks for understanding.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    why not make up an album in your profile and put them there Frank ?
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hautes Pyrénées, France

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    Forum rules apply to all your actions. Forum continuity is one of the main priorities in moderators work. You still hold the copyright for all the materials uploaded to TG but doing so you agree for TG to keep them on-line as long as it is considered important for the forum.
    Excuse me? Where does it say in the rules that TG has the right to keep somebody's images indefinitely???

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    If you do not agree, please avoid posting anything.
    OK. Point taken. If that is my only recourse then that is my only recourse.

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    If you publish some image in the printed magazine, what happens with your copyright? Are you still able to remove the image from all magazine copies sold?
    This isn't a magazine. The same rules do not apply. A magazine is unable to remove my image once it has been printed - TG is. IANAL but a quick look at the rule book in Germany will tell you that the laws governing intellectual copyright varies between traditional and electronic media.

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    And one more thing, let me remind everyone that discussing moderator actions is prohibited on this forum.

    Thanks for understanding.
    You are not a moderator, but as a long-standing member above the level of ordinary user I'm assuming you speak with a certain authority. IMO some of these rules are grossly draconian (discussing moderator actions is prohibited on this forum??? You have to be kidding!), I honestly don't understand them, I certainly see no need for them and I don't agree with them. I will therefore revert to browsing and will stop posting.

    I refuse to hand over to TG (please note that I am not saying Xara) a totally illegitimate and arbitrary right over my intellectual copyright, and if you don't want to understand that then, well, nm. I honestly thought the Xhris débacle was wake-up time for this forum - clearly not. However, I mean no offence to anybody and for me to stick around holding the opinions I do isn't going to do anybody any favours.

    Whooosh, I'm outta here. K thx bai.
    Last edited by Big Frank; 27 June 2010 at 08:24 AM. Reason: crappy spelling, grr

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Frank, when you were registering here for the umpteenth time, you had explicitly agreed with those draconian rules. If you do not for any reason, why do you even register?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    And one more thing, let me remind everyone that discussing moderator actions is prohibited on this forum.

    Thanks for understanding.
    Hmm, does that also count for general policies?
    I mean, here the person is not discussing a direct decision
    of a moderator as such, but the general overall policy.
    This way that rule gets stretch very far in my opinion.
    (Are you a moderator by the way, because then I did
    not comment on your remark ofcourse )
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Ah, I knew it had been too quiet around here.

    The main moderator is on holiday for a few days, BF. If you send me a PM with links to the images you would like removed, I will see what I can do.

    I can remove images in the Xtreme/Designer and Xara Art Gallery forums. I think. At least I can try.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wiesbaden, Germany

    Default Re: Request to repost Frank's mini-tutorials & drawings that disappeared

    Quote Originally Posted by covoxer View Post
    And one more thing, let me remind everyone that discussing moderator actions is prohibited on this forum.

    Thanks for understanding.

    i feel very very uncomfortable reading mumbo jumbo like this,

    absolutely nonunderstanding,




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