Dear Egg,
What sad news! I join with many others being sadden and somewhat bewildered, to see you resign from your moderator's position. I am sure with very good reason.
When things start to happen in secrecy and without explanation it can often be the signal of the beginning of the end. In case someone missed what I am saying, is this the beginning of the demise of this valauble forum which is very highly rated among members. I would suggest a forum is only as good as the moderators and contribution and respect of members.
Egg, we mere mortals cannot even start to comprehend the time you have given us. Thank you so much, it is greatly appreciated. We will watch with interest as you continue on the forum.
Giving of oneself is not the modern trend but Egg, you have given so much and very highly regarded among members.

Oh, yes, and while on the subject of moderators. What's happened to Xhris?

Silence is not golden but contributes to a lost cause.