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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Unable to paint on layers

    I have Painter X and I think I may have accidentally changed the settings on it somehow, but I'm not sure what I did. When I try to paint on areas of layers that I have not yet painted on, the strokes don't show up. However, when I paint on parts of the layers that I have already painted on, it does work. I can also paint directly on the canvas. It's not just on a specific file, it happens with every file I open now and all new files as well (meaning I obviously cannot use layers on new files). I've tried restarting the program and restarting my computer, but neither of these have worked.

    Can anyone tell me what I did or how to fix this problem? Is there a way to reset all of the settings to factory default?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Unable to paint on layers

    the setting that is causing this may be 'preserve transparency' on the layers palette - or maybe one of the layer blending settings

    if not:

    Quote Originally Posted by TimesNewRoman View Post
    Is there a way to reset all of the settings to factory default?
    holding the shift key down as you start program will give you this option [on windows for sure - I think on mac too]

    but you may prefer to try the menu option in painter to reset workspace to default first, rather than go straight to factory default

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