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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Michigan, USA

    WD6 Photo Gallery in Another Website Design Program

    I am updating a website for a client and I use Expression Web 2 to make the changes. The client wants a photo album added to an existing page. Is there a way to create the photo album using Web Designer (the pop-up feature is brilliant) and insert it into the existing page?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Photo Gallery in Another Website Design Program

    Look up how to do an iframe. Should be easy enough - you just design the page with the photos on it the way you wnat them, export it, then create an iframe area in Expressions web in a <div> area on your page. There are a ton of iframe examples on this forum - those same bits of code can be used in Expression.

    That all said, there are a lot of free options out there for this sort of thing that wouldn't have the downsides of iframes (not many, but there are a few). simpleviewer is one pretty cool example.

    Does that help?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Michigan, USA

    Red face Re: Photo Gallery in Another Website Design Program

    Thanks for your ideas, I will look into them.



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