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  1. #1

    video How to keep original image names when exporting to HTML

    We often see questions and comments about Xara Web Designer or Xara Xtreme changing the names of imported images by exporting them as numerical names and thus raising SEO concerns.

    "Xara does not do anything with your files. Just place them correctly.
    Automatically named images generated by WD/Xtreme are not your files by any means. They are rendered from the objects in your design. To use your files, place them with the placeholders."

    ~John Horn AKA: Covoxer

    Here's a very simple method which can be used to retain original image names.

    DOWNLOAD 10.4mb

  2. #2

    Default Re: How to keep original image names when exporting to HTML

    Flash video version

    Press the four-way arrow on the right to view full screen.

    DOWNLOAD 8.25mb

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to keep original image names when exporting to HTML

    The newest version of Web Designer 6 and and Xara Designer Pro 6 has an undocumented feature allowing you to name specific images via the 'names' dialogue.

    Right-click your image and select 'Names'
    Enter filename="imagename" (do not give it a .jpg or .png extension, Xara will do this automatically based on the image type at export)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-file-name.jpg 
Views:	2267 
Size:	88.3 KB 
ID:	74683

    Exported file and html result:
    <img class="xr_ap" src="index_htm_files/starfish.jpg"

    !WARNING!: Use with care - this is an undocumented feature and not officialy support by Xara. Not for use with Highslide popups or galleries.



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