Hey everyone, I'm having some trouble figuring something out with Painter and I'm hoping someone here can help.

I have a bit more experience with Photoshop, but recently I've been trying to beef up my experience with Painter. In Photoshop, there's a way you can separate the lines of your artwork from the background into 2 different layers. The white background would be the bottom layer, and the lines would be on the very top. In doing this, you can make many layers in between them and essentially paint 'in between' the lines and the background.

Does anyone know if there's a way to do this in Painter? I've been searching around online for an answer and have been unsuccessful. Using the help feature in Painter hasn't yielded me any results, either.

I'm thinking the only solution would be just to trace my drawing in a new layer above everything else, if all else fails.
