I've been working with WD 6, loving it, but there's a feature both WD and XXP need, IMO, if you're going to match colors quickly between a placed bitmap and a shape.

Average color sampling option with the eyedropper.

Xara's eyedropper samples directly to the pixel under the cursor, but JPEGs and even good PNGs and TIFFs have noise and it therefore requires both a lot of tries and some estimation to apply for example, the color of a logo in a photo to a shape on the page. One pixel to the left or right, and you don't have an invisibly perfect match.

Photoshop and CorelDRAW X5 both offer point, 3x3, and 5x5 average sample area with their eyedropper tools; it's a very useful feature for matching color between noisy photos and shapes.

Consider this, please next version? It would take up very little UI space as a drop-down on the Infobar, or offer it as an option to manually put it up from the Button Palette?

