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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Talking Text Flash Animation, how?


    I stumbled accross this forum, it had a very good amount of friendly posts and members, so I joined, and I stumbled accross it finding how? How do I make a text in Adobe Photoshop/Fireworks like this?


    How do I make the text like this on Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks?

    Please tell me, I've been looking for this everywhere!

    Thanks ,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Thumbs up Re: Text Flash Animation, how?

    Hi Kyle,

    Check out the following steps for your query:

    1.Create the required text using the Type tool in new layer.

    2.Add a new layer and create a character with Type tool and add layer styles like outer glow.

    3.Place the character exactly above the character in the first layer.

    4.Similarly create individual characters in individual layers and add the same layer styles.

    5.Once all the characters are created individually select the animation toolbar from Windows > Animation.

    6.Select the first frame in the animation toolbar and select the layer with the original text(All the characters), and make only that layer visible. Alt + Click on the eye icon on the layer. This creates the 1st frame with the original text.

    7. Now click on Duplicate selected frames button on the animation toolbar. This creates another frame with the same text, now make the layer with the first character (with layer styles) visible, this creates the second frame with the first character highlighted with effects.

    8.Now click on the duplicate selected frame button again and hide the layer with the first character and make the layer with the second character visible. This creates the third frame with the second character highlighted.

    9.Similarly create frames for individual characters such as each frame has a highlighted character and the original text.

    10.Once all the frames are created in the sequence, click on the first two frames and click on the tween animation frame button on the animation toolbar. This creates a tween between the two animation frames. In the popup, select Tween with: Selection and Frames to add :3 (determines the speed of the animation.)

    11.3 new animation frames are created between frame 1 and frame 2. again create a tween between frame 5 and 6.

    12.Similarly create tweens between the animation frames which was originally created.

    13.Once all the tweens added press the play button to see the animation.

    14.To save the animation as .gif select all the frames go to File > Save for web and devices select the format as .gif and save.

    Hope this helps!!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Text Flash Animation, how?

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