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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Searchable photo metadata

    Hello all

    I am an absolute 'newbie' and currently designing my own site for the display and possible sale of photographs. (The learning curve is steep and I'm breathless!)

    My photo images are catalogued in Lightroom and they all have metadata including keywords. My question is: How do I ensure that the metadata (essentially the title and keywords) attaching to images I display is visible to Google-etc?

    Hope you can help.

    PS: using Zara Web Designer

  2. #2

    Default Re: Searchable photo metadata

    Hi Tony, welcome to the Forums.

    You might want to edit your profile as there is no such software called Zara Web Designer.
    Please see: ► http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthread.php?t=41250

    Embeded EXIF in your JPG photos whether native from the camera or the additional meta data added via Lightroom and others is stripped as soon as you use the photo in Xtreme or Web Designer.
    Xara's html output filter creates new copies of the photos for use in your page.

    I'm not sure, but I don't think Google can read embedded photo EXIF/Meta in any case, I could be wrong - but I've not known it.

    However, all is not lost because you can still add ALT text and Title text in Web Designer, which Google WILL read.

    Select Web Properties>>Mouse-over [tab] and enter the title text in the 'Show popup text' field.
    Select Web Properties>>Image [tab] and enter Alt text in the 'Image Description' field.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Searchable photo metadata

    Many thanks

    Profile corrected - sorry about that ...

    Thank you for the explanation, which is logical on reflection. I was hoping that I would not have to go through that procedure for 100+ images. I do know that up-loading to some image libraries will also upload certain metadata fields and I was hoping Zara might have the same facility buried somewhere in its innards that I had not discovered. Ah well!

    May I suggest it could be a worthwhile addition/add-on for the future. Photographer galleries are becoming increasingly popular and this would be a big bonus for the software.

    My thanks again


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Searchable photo metadata


    Picking up on this thread, I have read that search engines cannot read/search the contents of frames. In another thread I have asked about how to place a Lightroom webpage of photo images in a XWD placeholder and I am now clear on that. However, this raises other questions.

    Firstly, could you please confirm that placeholders are the same as frames, and assuming that to be the case, am I correct in assuming that all keywords associated with the original images which are contained within the LR webpage files are invisible to search engines?

    I ask this because in examining the folders and files that make up the LR webpage put into the placeholder, there is a folder containing the original images with keywords, another folder with thumbnails of those images and yet another folder with those images as .htm extensions. So the question reduces to whether search engines 'see' the contents of the LR folder containing images with keywords.

    Sorry to be so 'wordy' but I needed to explain the problem I have as clearly as possible.

    Thanks for your help so far.



  5. #5

    Default Re: Searchable photo metadata

    Quote Originally Posted by tony1941 View Post
    Firstly, could you please confirm that placeholders are the same as frames
    No, they are not.
    A placeholder is an object you draw on a page which on export is replaced with the code you enter into the web properties placeholder area.
    That code can be almost anything you like. <iframe code is but one example
    An <iframe is like a window to another site, local or remote, which shows up inside the parent page (defined by the placeholder area).

    Quote Originally Posted by tony1941 View Post
    .. assuming that to be the case, am I correct in assuming that all keywords associated with the original images which are contained within the LR webpage files are invisible to search engines?
    As mentioned in yout other thread re Lightroom - Xara does not touch anything that is called via an <iframe

    Quote Originally Posted by tony1941 View Post
    So the question reduces to whether search engines 'see' the contents of the LR folder containing images with keywords.
    Unless you forbid the google bots (via a robots.txt or .htaccess file) to drill into sub folders, they will search them too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Searchable photo metadata

    Thank you. That is very clear.

    The learning curve continues ever upwards!





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