We all see strange, unusual, and downright weird stuff all of the time but rarely stop and capture the sight. This is, and will be, a collection of all of the freaky, and not so freaky, things where I took the time and snapped a photo. I don't think I'll be winning any photo contests with these, but, what the heck, I'll have a bit of fun, anyway. Besides cropping and adjusting the color, contrast, sharpness and maybe tweaking the color a tad, these photos are NOT Photoshopped, Xtremed or otherwise altered. In other words, these are, or were, real photos of real places or events.
On with the show,
This looks like a building that Jack built, and not very well, at that. Or maybe it's built too well since it's been standing and obviously added to on several occasions. Maybe some of you have even seen it, since it's located right on Bragg Boulevard in Fayetteville, NC, not far from the Fort Bragg Army Base and Pope Air Force Base.