Hi all,

As all of you should know by now, i/us is changing locations. The new URL for the site is www.talkgraphics.com. Please update your links accordingly.

For those of you haven't yet heard, i/us's parent company, EyeWire, had decided to terminate the i/us content areas, including the forums. Most of the areas have found new homes, and luckily, the good people at Xara have decided to host the forums. This does NOT, however, mean that they will be inundating you with ads, flooding you with mails, or editing your messages. They have assured us all that we will still be able to run these forums the way they've been run to date. Meaning, they will keep the forums that AREN'T related to Xara, and they will not interfere with your posts, or the way these forums are moderated. Rest assured, aside from the URL and usual updates, nothing is going to change as regards these forums.

The change is already in effect, so please - update your links accordingly. For the time being, just go to www.talkgraphics.com and then choose the Flash forum. When/if we get a new direct link to the Flash forum, we'll let you all know.

Deep (just a guy)

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Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math

Senior Web Designer


ICQ: 39102360
