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Thread: start guide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default start guide

    hey, I am just wondering if there is a getting started guide?

    I would like to learn how to use web designer starting from scratch. I have already run into some questions, like how to set the background (not the one where your text and web page is, but the one that shows if you have a larger screen than the set size of your page.

    Also I see how there is a color theme on the templates in the video tutorials, but it does not tell you how to get those if you start from scratch without a template.

    Anyway, I am sure I will run into tons of questions, that I may or may not be able to find the answers to searching though the forum, etc, but I would like to just go through a simple step by step on getting your website started from scratch. If there is such a thing.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: start guide

    one place to start:


    starting with workbook 75....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #3

    Default Re: start guide

    I put together a small start guide, just see my signature.

  4. #4

    Default Re: start guide

    Quote Originally Posted by davidwillis View Post
    I see how there is a color theme on the templates in the video tutorials, but it does not tell you how to get those if you start from scratch without a template.
    *Theme* colours are *Named colours*

    See web designer Help File "Local colors and Theme colors"

    Theme colors (or Named Colors) can be used again and again in the document. (As such, they are like styles in a word processor.) Theme colors are used in templates and assure a consistent look of your page elements like buttons or navigation bars. Any edits you make to a Theme color are immediately reflected on all objects and parts of the drawing that use that color. You can also copy Theme colors between documents. If there are any Theme colors already present in the design and you load or paste templates from the Designs gallery containing Theme colors with the same name, you will be asked if you want to match the actual color of the imported Theme colors to the existing ones. The Theme colors from the Templates are consistently named so when you import elements from different themes colors are matched perfectly.
    Important: If you just select an object on the page that has a named color applied to it, and alter it with the color editor, this will always turn it into a local color instead of a named color (because it is assumed that if you try to edit the color of the object that's what you mean to do. If you really want to change the named color so this and all occurrences of the color change, then you should do so by editing the named color).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: start guide

    thanks.... that is a great start. I think I am starting to get it a little now.




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