Hello again every body.

I want to talk about code. I wish I was a big bad code warrior.Let's make that clear. Everybody wants to be. Code warriors
have the best chance in the business. Anybody who says it's not important is just crying sour grapes.
A buddy who has four good businesses going at the same time and all of them more or less online. One is a stock advisory
service, beachtraders.com. One is an ESL service which is big over here, bbserv.com. But the biggie is his employment service,
gaijinpot.com. Now one day a dude waltzes in and says he is a big bad code warrior. My buddy and I go way back with
computers; he can even name drop about the Commodore 64 and the Amiga with a toaster card. But he couldn't put it all
together. What with the client lists, and data base info, the cgi scripting, the security nonsense , javascripting, passwords, new
acronyms all the time, you know, all that stuff. I had bought some good books like Matt's big red book on CGI,Perl, and some
others. I can change a FormMail or a javascript and eventually get the thing to work. But this guy showed that he could make
all the magic happen. He knows all the code. He can lay out the page. He can do the graphics, even in Japanese. And guess
what jelly bean? He uses CSS to keep everything nice and tight, kosher if you will. My buddy was no dummy, he has a degree
in engineering, so he cut the dude in for half. It was either that or keep fumbling around trying to figure it out himself. Now they
have a very lucrative business over here and their client list is growing fast. Many thousands was the last I heard. That's five
thousand yen every time the jobber and the jobee connect, whether they take the job or not. Hundreds of companies and
thousands of different jobs every day. Code warrior? Nah, it's not important. Who needs it
