The site looks very cool! Nice, clean design, but somewhat hard to read on higher-res settings, plus it took forever to load on my T1 connxion. Try and chomp down those graphics, and you should have a sweet site. There was a lot of empty space on the screen, where it looked more like some graphics didn't load, rather than whitespace (or blackspace if you prefer) that was there by design. It made the site look incomplete - but after clicking around you get used to the effect, so coolio, if that's what you were going for. The blue links were also very hard to see against the black background.

All in all, a neat little design

Deep (just a guy)

<pre><font face="courier" size="2">,-----------------------------.

| Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math |

| Graphic/Multimedia Designer |

| ICQ#: 39102360 |

| Medius Communications, Inc. |

| |

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