Hey guys & gals, a friend of my Dad's was looking for a logo for his son's baseball team, so my dad wanted to know if I'd be able to get something out for him. Been really busy because of school, so I havn't had time, but had a little time on my hands yesterday now school's pretty much done for the fall term.
Anyway, what he said he was thinking was a baseball going down tracks and this is what I came up with. This kind of style is sort of hard for me, I have trouble with cartoonish caricatures, so it was a nice excercise for me.

Lately I havn't been using xara at all because an extended piece I'm working on now is on a Mac, so it's forced me out of my element to learn new tools, techniques and possibilities. But this charity work let me have some play-time with it!
let me know what you think, it's off to the coach for revision/approval, so it may or may not be modified, but feel free to critique!
take care