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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Lagos, Nigeria

    Info Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    Hello All, I am new to this forum, and I am happy to be here. Let me first say a big thank you to the great guys at Xara for coming up with such a wonderful tool (XWD).

    You can visit my site which is due to be launched in about two weeks. www.tinkaroni.com I designed everything in XWD/Xtreme. I would like to know what you all think about it.

    A suggestion to the Xara Developers for marketing purposes, I think you should have a show case of sites developed by XWD on your site so visitors can appreciate what is possible with XWD and what users are producing with it.

    I discovered this site where you can get professionals to review your site or design projects. www.conceptfeedback.com mysite was reviewed there http://www.conceptfeedback.com/conce...e-development/ which has led to second version of my site.

    I will be discussing some of the issues I had while designing tinkaroni site at a later post.

    I am awaiting your comments. Thank you.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    Hey Rotimi,

    I took a look at your site and your thread at conceptfeedback. I have a few thoughts on your site.

    1. Your home page is wider than the rest of the pages. Not a huge deal but a little strange. I would make each page as wide as the home page.

    2. This is a personal preference but the drop shadow on the containers are a bit big. You can tighten then design up quite a bit by making the drop shadow a little smaller and less blurred.

    3. The navigation menu is off center. Not sure if you wanted it right aligned but it throws off the composition a bit.

    4. The image headers on all pages except the home page need to be blended to transparent a little more so that you cant see the step between transparent and opaque image.

    5. On the home page, the rotating image header is slightly blurry, probably due to the output from Xara.

    6. On the printing and Christmas Cards pages, you have "Order it Now" pointers which point to an "Order" button. On the Naming page, you only have the "Order It Now" pointer. I would switch to using just one button. Use the style you have for the "Order It Now" pointer and change the text to "Order".

    7. Your About Us page is missing the good graphical header that the rest of your site has.

    Now for the good stuff.

    Nice colors. Bright, refreshing and easy to look at.

    Overall you have a nice professional look. It looks like a reputable company site.

    Good use of dynamic stock photos. The people look like they are enjoying the site.

    Compositionally, the Printing page is the best. This page has a solid layout and good use of samples on the right.

    Your Christmas Cards page is my favorite. Though I wouldn't round the corners. Good work on continuing your branding by using an ornament in the center of your logo.

    Finally, a question. What is the font that you used for the "Personalized Christmas Cards" text? I really like that font.

    That's it. Hope its useful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Thumbs up Re: Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    Very effective and handsome design.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    London, UK

    Default Re: Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    Hey Rotimi,

    Very nice site, well designed and laid-out.
    Did you do all these graphics and design yourself?

    I also see you're based in Naija - Anyways holla at me ibdat@hotmail.co.uk I may have a couple of opportunities for you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    The site design is pleasing to me except the green faced lady page for logos. The color combination is too harsh and the text area is glaring to my eyes. Very hard to read that page without squinting.

    I would be as concerned about the errors in the text on the pages as they detract from the overall presentation.

    For instance on the page index9.htm titled Thank You:

    Tnkaroni Partners Form

    Fill this form and you are on your to winning

    Tnkaroni is missing a letter. The next sentence is incomplete. Good design is a wonderful thing but if your text is poorly written, the whole site loses face.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: Site Created Using Xara Web Designer

    Hi Rotimi!

    This is a really nice website, we are in the same field (print) although on different continents. The colours on each page are good, and then graphics are great. I was just wandering, wouldn't a paypal button be better for the order process, I was thinking of adding this to my website as well, just investigating at the moment.

    How did you create the flash on the home page.

    A very good website overall and has given me some great ideas (referral awards) to try as well with your permission of course.

    well done





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