This is an old thread but the problem discussed still persists. I thought I would add my solution in case anyone else ever finds this thread. I recently ran into the vanishing drop down menu issue on a new web site I did using Web Designer 7 Premium and a navbar created in Webstyle4( same basic thing as Menu Maker I believe ). I have always used WS4 for my navbars but I just recently purchased WD7 so this was the 1st site using it. Previously my web sites were all done with WD5.

To make a long story short the issue is a compatibility one in IE8 and even IE9. The browser needs to be in IE7 compatibility mode for the navbars to operate properly. I never had this problem in WD5 but as it turns out that software came with code forcing every browser viewing it into IE7 mode so the problem never appeared for me. WD6 and WD7 do not automatically do this. So, the viewer has to press the CM button or you have to manually enter the code on each page of the site to deal with the navbar issues. Kind of a pain.

There is a solution however if you plan to use WS4 or MM to produce your navbars for use in WD6 or WD7 sites. You can edit the software's registry to have it automatically force the browser into IE7 CM as WD5 once did. This will make it easier on everyone.

Here is how( I have Windows XP - may be slightly different in Vista or Win7 getting to the registry editor and editing the data but the destination is the same? )...

Step 1:
Click > Start
Select > RUN
Click > OK

Ste 2:
Open the following folders( will have to be in order shown )...
> Software
> Xara
> HTMLFilter
> 3.0( WD6 ) / 4.0 ( WD7 )
> IE7compatibility

Step 3:
With IE7compatibility open...
> Double click icon(default)
> Paste code( below - all of it )in Value Data box

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7"/>

Click > Ok

This will insert the IE7 CM code into all of your pages when they are exported now and it should solve any navbar problems.

Hope it helps. Oh, and this info came from Xara directly. I just added a few extra instruction steps for those who haven't edited a registry before. I was directed to this thread about how to do it here...

Follow these steps at your own risk. Editing the registry is always risky. It worked for me however following the directions from Xara.