I just thought I would post this "food for thought" for the good folks at Xara to do with it as they see fit.

WebStyle has a place where people or business want to create a decent looking web site and aren't worried about being totally unique in their design. I think it fits the combination of visual appeal, ease of use and cost quite nicely. There are even add-ins for Frontpage and Dreamweaver.

Dear Charles Moir,
Has Xara ever considered an add-on for the Mambo CMS audience? http://www.mamboserver.com/ (open source version) and http://www.miro.com.au/ (commercial version)

Here is another great alternative for web authoring for the HTML challenged. To me they seem to be making great strides in all areas except for one... the graphic interface.

It basically works in template fashion like FrontPage or Dreamweaver (only web based rather than a standalone program) but the fail miserably at this point in time when it comes to creating and/or editing the graphic interface. Granted there is more involved in setting the interface up.

Mambo has a huge following particularly in the open source arena. I wonder if Xara's WebStyle could find a nitch here where no one else seems to (at this point) have a handle on. Sure you can buy templates for Mambo but I think a program like WebStyles could be an awesome asset to the program.

Just my 2 cents worth here on a Friday morning. If you ever feel like chatting about it I be here <smile>.

I love your stuff! Keep up the good work Xara and have a great day.