Hi everybody...

Im building new site and i have started on Frontpage with xara webstyle.Now i copied my web site directory to another computer.(site directory was on d drive and on new computer directory is on d drive too)...And on this another compter i installed frontpage and webstyle.I wanted to continue to make my web page on this computer but when i want to edit menu which i made with webstyle the menu is not opening on webstyle.When i 2xcliked on webstyle menu on frontpage for edit the webstyle is starting on main page.Not starting with my menu and i cant edit my menu

I dont know what to do.Coz on my computer there was not a problem like this.When i wanted to edit my menu i mean when i 2xclicked to menu on frontpage the webstyle was starting with my builded menu.

Help PLS...