Ok, a few weeks ago I asked for advice on getting my Background image (the one that is for the browser background) to work how I want and was directed to the Tweak Set.
I have now created LITERALLY and Nearly 1000 background images... over and over moving and shifting content and redesigning it to try and get it just right for the background to no avail.
What I want is a Background that is NO Scroll, No Tiling (not sure but possibly static as well, unless that is causing my Center page content to not shift when browser is collapsed). I would like One large image to be used as a Background for the web browser. That DOES NOT start at the edge of the Page Background and go right and then double back around. But starts at the left of the Browser background instead. Every time I tried this, It always starts at the left behind the content Page Background and wraps around tiled. I just want the Image to start at the Very Left of my Web Browser and not repeat, not tile, not scroll (although if there is a way to make it shift a bit when I make the browser Larger or smaller I would like that so that the Center Page Content would move with it.
I was told to use and read the tweaks set. I did this but the problem is... there were Single Background subjects and Not one that had multiples of what I needed and unfortunately I could not drag a tweak into another tweak I had opened as it is set up like a .xar

I also noticed that in Xtreme5 (which didn't have some of the ease that XWD had which was odd)... that I could click for Page Options and DOUBLE the Background spread. Which was the only way My full image would show up starting at the left of the Browser background rather than the left of the page content background. But this option was not in XWD and it then created a longer scroll at the bottom of the page.

UGH... making nearly a 1000 designs and variations of designs over and over shifting content etc to have background line up is Frustrating...
Seriously all these weeks and I still can't even get the background to do what I want.
Any thoughts???