Hi, ok, all my attempts at doing a Full Background image as one background did not fly. I have it as one background, but had to make an image that would wrap and repeat. It was the only way to do it. Hard for me to explain, but if you really want to see what my background image really looked like, just go to link and view background image.
Thx for everyones help, I tried many times to get the Tweaks to work even after reading instructions. Tweaks would do one thing when added to the page, maybe 2 things... but kept messing up and not doing exactly what I wanted. It was really frustrating...
and checked out Dryads addition and read it, though much of it I didn't understand. I do thank Dryad for your time though. It was just too much information for me to make sense of I think.

Only way I could do it is to make a large/width image that had a Large block on the right that would act as a border on both sides of the page once it wrapped around and met up with itself on the left.

As a result, the final image border from Background surrounding center page, is still not perfectly lined up how I wanted. And designing the background was one of the trickiest things I've had to do yet. Considering everything was designed with the idea it would wrap and repeat. Designing something that is Asymetrical to pretend to be Symetrcial is not advised if you want to keep your sanity. haha.
ah well. moving on...

