Thanks to everyone that's taken a look at my work and especially to those that have commented.
And yes, Frances and Bill, it does have a peaceful-dynamic or dynamically-peaceful quality to it. I liken it to watching a tremendous storm or catastrophic event without any sound. If you've ever watched a raging snowstorm from the sofa, near a warm fire, beneath several blankets, with the lights off, a cup of warm beverage, a significant other of your choosing*, all from behind a thick plate glass window, you know what I mean.
And Gary, no coveting my Space Orb-bits. I forgot about your fascination with orbs and eyes and such. That reminds me, I noticed your new avatar. Nice one, very classy and cleanly executed.
All this encouragement may lead to another drawing ,
*wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, your kid(s), dog, cat, horse (horse???), etc.