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  1. #1

    Default Galleries are in the way...

    These galleries are cumbersome... I'd like to resize them, roll them up, dock them and save them. The program has some terriffic features. It can do some things faster than any other program and it does some things others just can't do.
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 19 June 2009 at 05:26 AM. Reason: Removed complaints

  2. #2

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    I'd like to resize them, roll them up, dock them and save them
    umm... But you can

    [Reminder] From the Xtreme Help File:

    It is possible to dock one or more galleries on either side of the Xtreme Pro window.

    Docking a gallery
    To dock a gallery:

    Open a gallery by clicking an icon on the Gallery control bar or selecting "Utilities -> Galleries".

    Drag the gallery to either the left or right hand side of your screen.
    Repeat the process for other galleries as required.
    Undocking a gallery
    Clicking an icon on the Gallery control bar will remove the gallery from screen. If you click it again, the gallery will return in its docked position. To undock the gallery completely, just drag the gallery away from the side of the screen and it will undock. Or drag the gallery with the "Ctrl" key held down to prevent docking while you drag.

    Reorganizing galleries
    If more than one gallery is docked on one side, they will share a column together. You can resize the galleries as required, and drag the galleries up or down to change their order accordingly.
    Only some don't save their width resizes (Fonts/Fill/Designs) when reopening Xtreme, otherwise you can do what you ask already.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    The Xtreme equivalent of a "rolled up" gallery is a closed gallery...

    And remember that galleries can be quickly opened and closed using the function keys.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    Ummm... No I can't. Closing is not 'rolling up' A rollup would be a box that minimizes to a simple bar (usually by double clicking). As for docking, I see that the things I wanted to dock (except the object gallery) aren't dockable and I suppose whenever I tried to dock something, it was the object alignment box, the color editor or maybe the Web Properties box. These items are what I'd like to dock. As for saving the workspace, I mean I'd like to arrange the various boxes, galleries control bars etc. and have them configured the same way the next time I open the program. For that matter, I'd like to be able to save the configuration as a file for those times I need to reinstall the program.

    Thanks Phil- I know I can access the various tools via f-keys, but I'd like to have it available without going to the keyboard. It's not a big deal, and I could use the program the rest of my life without the option... The suggestion remains, though.

    and ummm... Sledger: Ummm.... If you folks can't take criticisms and therefore need to 'Edit' to save your image, at least edit so that the post makes sense. XE isn't [for me and the work I do] ready for prime time. That's the case whether you let me tell people that here or not.

    Oh! and ummm... comes across as snide. Ummm... OK?
    Last edited by Zupdude; 19 June 2009 at 04:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...


    Maybe the color editor, alignment and the new "names dialog" could also be dockable.

    I've thought of this many times, it would less a 'in your face' kind of thing.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    Couldn't reply to the PM...

    Ummm... OK

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zupdude View Post
    ...whenever I tried to dock something, it was the object alignment box, the color editor or maybe the Web Properties box. These items are what I'd like to dock.
    These are not Galleries but dialogs. You should change the thread caption to avoid confusion.
    Yes, you can't resize or dock these dialogs. But honestly, I can't really imagine how these can be resized with use. They have static layout so scaling them up would just add empty areas around the content, while scaling down would hide some elements probably introducing scrollers to the dialog which is somewhat ridiculous.
    So, being not able to resize them, there's no practical way to dock them, as this would force docking area resize to fit the dialog. And since all they have different sizes they wouldn't fit well in the same docking area.
    Theoretically it is possible to overcome these limitations by complete redesign of all dialogs but this work is probably not worth the effort as there are many more important wishes out there.
    Thanks Phil- I know I can access the various tools via f-keys, but I'd like to have it available without going to the keyboard.
    But you can - there's the Galleries control bar, isn't it? It has buttons for all galleries. Is it less convenient than window headers hanging all around?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Galleries are in the way...

    I agree with covoxer, opening the galleries is a one click operation. How can this be harder than unrolling them - even if unrolling them is also a one click operation?
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.




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