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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Blacksburg, VA USA

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Paul I totally agree, I have moved on to MAC and the first thing in my briefcase was XARA!

    I do believe the the greatest thing a man or a company can do is to broaden the horizons of the "common" person...

    all of the "professionals" that can't do "miracles with artwork" are few and far between... but us the "hobbiest" the people who are improving our media with a powerful simple to use and AFFORDABLE program like Xara, these are the people that by the thousands are making a difference...

    so to those who moved on I say good bye, there a 1,000 new ones who will replace and enhance our lives with their contributions...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Next week I will have owned my iMac for 1 year now. I really enjoy my Mac and I see no reason to switch back to a PC or own a companion PC.

    Currently I'm still using Xara on my Mac by running the free VirtualBox with Windows XP.

    But this has been a year now for me doing this and I would like to stop the need to boot up XP in order to run Xtreme. Just as I made the switch from PC to Mac, I'm starting to look at other options out there in graphic software. I still love Xara Xtreme, but other Mac users aren't going to install Windows XP on their Mac in order to run Xtreme.

    Apple software is easy to use and designed that way. Bundled programs like iMovie and iWeb, make it very easy for the home user to edit movies or create web sites. To me, Xara Xtreme is very much like a Mac program but created only for the PC.

    The number os OS X users is smaller than Windows, but still that's millions of potential Xara users being turned away.

    I'd like to see Xara Xtreme succeed, but I too like to succeed. If Xtreme can't venture to the Mac, I may look in seeing who else is out there and then my turn to the dark side would be complete. Come Xara. Join me. Together we can rule the galaxy!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    andalucía · españa and lower saxony · germany

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    I've already mentioned it in another post: why should I install a superfluous operating system on a stable and reliable system? Even Windoze XP Pro for which I have a licence needs more space on the hard drive than the highly performant OS X.

    I wouldn't build a shabby Ssangyong engine into a Ferrari - would you?
    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    @EOBET Good luck... I wish you well - there are lots of things I prefer illustrator for, and lots xtreme, but this ground is trampled flat, no need [for me] to revisit

    I really like the drawing - the style is one I know well, and am very fond of
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    I don't think Magix is the right kind of company for the Mac - they clearly have an agenda to chase the mass market and that doesn't really fit with Mac development, nor are they chasing the design professional, which would again score for a high percentage of mac users.

    Running windows on the Mac is a second-best option, but it is there and seems to work perfectly. I think Xtreme 5 is a bit of a watershed in Xara development and continues the mass-market strategy that Magix is following.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Southeastern, USA

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dominique View Post
    " Quand on veut noyer son chien, on dit qu'il a la rage"
    "When one wants to drown his dog, say it has rabies"

    Very apt, Dominique.


    Xara Xtreme is just a tool. You can choose to use it or not. If you want to continue using Xara X and it has the tools you need, by all means, carry on... or don't. If Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign enhances your work flow and produces the artwork required by your clients in a timely fashion you'd be remiss in not using them.

    I've used several versions of CorelDraw through the years and jumped ship when I discovered Xtreme 3.2. I find myself cursing at the monitor a lot less now . That's not to say that I don't ever use CorelDraw X3 anymore. I also use several other graphics applications because Xtreme cannot easily create, or recreate, a number of effects.

    Personally, I don't see anything in the cherub graphic that couldn't have been done using Xara Xtreme, CorelDraw, InkScape, or a number of other graphic editors. Use whatever application(s) you like and feel comfortable using. I doubt very much if there will ever be one of anything that satisfies everyone.

    Good luck to you,

  7. #17

    Unhappy Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    eobet voices many of my thoughts and I wish him well. As the content of the program has changed, so has the content of this forum, such that I have very little to contribute any more.
    I continue to use Xtreme but I'm not upgrading any more.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Andover, Massachusetts, USA, Earth, Milky Way, Universe

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    What I don't understand about this thread.... is this actual thread's purpose.

    The message I took was "Xara isn't for me anymore.". Not only did I get this by the subject, but I wasn't even sure why I, or anyone else, needed to know at all.

    Isn't this like going to a party where everyone you know leaves, and then you yell out to all the other people still there, that you don't know - "All my friends have left - so I'M LEAVING AS WELL!!!"

    Just wondering.
    (a.k.a.) Bobby Harris

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Bobby I think it is more a last hope that someone from Xara will post and say they are working on a Mac version of Xtreme. Which would not happen even if it were true.

    Xara is well known for not leaking any information about any future versions.

    Programs are tools and as people's needs change so do their need for a specific tool. Good luck Eobet.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Ontario, Canada

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by dogbertbh View Post
    What I don't understand about this thread.... is this actual thread's purpose.
    I see it as customer feedback. A lot of programs change and evolve based on customer feedback. Knowing how your current users are changing and evolving, in order to keep them, you'll need to change too.

    Of course to other users - who cares when you hear someone say, "I'm not using this program, because this other one works better for me..." Use what you want, we don't care! The ones who should care about statements like that, is Xara.

    If users didn't care about Xara, they would simply find the program they like and not bother posting their thoughts on TalkGraphics. The reason comments like this are made is that they like Xtreme and want to continue using it, but point out things that hold them back.



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