Next week I will have owned my iMac for 1 year now. I really enjoy my Mac and I see no reason to switch back to a PC or own a companion PC.

Currently I'm still using Xara on my Mac by running the free VirtualBox with Windows XP.

But this has been a year now for me doing this and I would like to stop the need to boot up XP in order to run Xtreme. Just as I made the switch from PC to Mac, I'm starting to look at other options out there in graphic software. I still love Xara Xtreme, but other Mac users aren't going to install Windows XP on their Mac in order to run Xtreme.

Apple software is easy to use and designed that way. Bundled programs like iMovie and iWeb, make it very easy for the home user to edit movies or create web sites. To me, Xara Xtreme is very much like a Mac program but created only for the PC.

The number os OS X users is smaller than Windows, but still that's millions of potential Xara users being turned away.

I'd like to see Xara Xtreme succeed, but I too like to succeed. If Xtreme can't venture to the Mac, I may look in seeing who else is out there and then my turn to the dark side would be complete. Come Xara. Join me. Together we can rule the galaxy!