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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Canadian Bowling Association Logo contest. $100.00 first prize.

    Hi guys and gals... I've been a member here for quit a while. Anyone remember Xara 1.0. Anyway I've seen the people here step up to this kind of challenge before.

    Our Bowling Association, not unlike all North American Associations, are moving to a SMO (Single Membership Organization. In the past, support organization for Bowling were divided into three (3) separate groups. The ABC (American Bowling Congress), the WIBC (Womens International Bowling Congress) and the YABA (Young American Bowling Alliance). All these organizations generally will be under one single membership organization in the United States.

    Our Association, being in Canada, has joined forces with the CTF (Canadian Tenpin Federation) for our service headquarters. Our Local Association will now be one SMO. We'll be known as WECKBA (Windsor Essex Chatham Kent Bowling Association)

    We're looking for a new Logo!

    For our old logo and additional information, see http://canbowl.com

    We're offering a $100.00 (Canadian funds) first place prize for the best logo design. Enter as often as you like by submitting as many different designs as you wish.

    I've got a PayPal account so I suspect we'll be paying this way using the current exchange rate at that time. Right now it seems to be a little over $75.00 US funds.

    So why not give it a shot. Based on the four we already have, your already in first place with anything close to what I've seen possible here.

    Finally... I'll be monitoring this forum (as usual) and I can answer any of your questions you may have.

    Thanks, Good Luck! and enjoy the fun!


    Oh... by the way, I just got my copy of X1 yesterday! Hip Hip!!
    The BEST is good enough!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    Hi guys and gals... I've been a member here for quit a while. Anyone remember Xara 1.0. Anyway I've seen the people here step up to this kind of challenge before.

    Our Bowling Association, not unlike all North American Associations, are moving to a SMO (Single Membership Organization. In the past, support organization for Bowling were divided into three (3) separate groups. The ABC (American Bowling Congress), the WIBC (Womens International Bowling Congress) and the YABA (Young American Bowling Alliance). All these organizations generally will be under one single membership organization in the United States.

    Our Association, being in Canada, has joined forces with the CTF (Canadian Tenpin Federation) for our service headquarters. Our Local Association will now be one SMO. We'll be known as WECKBA (Windsor Essex Chatham Kent Bowling Association)

    We're looking for a new Logo!

    For our old logo and additional information, see http://canbowl.com

    We're offering a $100.00 (Canadian funds) first place prize for the best logo design. Enter as often as you like by submitting as many different designs as you wish.

    I've got a PayPal account so I suspect we'll be paying this way using the current exchange rate at that time. Right now it seems to be a little over $75.00 US funds.

    So why not give it a shot. Based on the four we already have, your already in first place with anything close to what I've seen possible here.

    Finally... I'll be monitoring this forum (as usual) and I can answer any of your questions you may have.

    Thanks, Good Luck! and enjoy the fun!


    Oh... by the way, I just got my copy of X1 yesterday! Hip Hip!!
    The BEST is good enough!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    andalucía · españa and lower saxony · germany



    US$ 75 - well, no, I can't do it, because I really don't know how to spend that much money. OK, fun aside - my machines consume more power than I can pay with the prize.

    Sorry, but the world is rude.
    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    Well, I'm a bit with Jens on this one... Probably more than a bit actually...

    HOWEVER The post is honest, and straight forward... from someone who has been around the forums for a long time. It's not someone who stumbled in from the street to post the same thread, as posted on every other forum on the web, for his sometimes make-believe business - and often with an unspecified reward.

    AND the "challenge" threads are always well read - and they are a lot of fun...

    I'm sure the moderators, and administrator can figure out a policy when it comes to posts like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    I must admit I'm rather with Jens on this. It's pittance compared to what a logo would cost, and wrapping it up as a contest makes it look acceptable.

    Having said that, we don't have any firm policy on such things like this. I'd need to speak to people like Gary off list. But I don't think we'd want the forum to become a place for competitions every few minutes so that companies can get cheap work (I'll count Xara logos as something a bit different, as you are after all dedicated Xara product users ).

    But ED, how about more info? Namely is the organisation not-for-profit? What does it do? And why should people want to do the logo for you?

    And will give you the author credit on your website?

    We'll then make any decision accordingly after ED has replied.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  6. #6


    My two cents (that's $.02 US).

    Right idea ... wrong forum. I'm not "offended" by the "competition" because ED has been around awhile ... and I don't believe he is trying to "abuse the priviledge" by offering some remuneration for a winning design. This is a "BOWLING association" ... and those of us who have been involved in the past know how little budget these clubs have to play with. He could have just done the logo himself ... or could have gone to a local designer (I'm sure he knows a few) ... but he didn't. He came to the place where graphics are "fun and appreciated" to involve some "friends" in the process.

    Is there any harm in that? I might have done the same thing ... only after hearing the responses here, I'll be sure to keep it to myself in the future ... wouldn't want to "offend" any of the sensitive types around here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    It's not always about money. Sometimes its fun for some of our non-professional designers to see what they can come up with.

    I remember the person who needed the pig rescue logo. Even some of the resident professional designers got involved here and the big winner was one of the non-designers.

    So while I agree that $100 US or Canadian is not enough to get me to enter, maybe one of our talented conference members will take a crack at the logo and win some recognition and a little night on the town.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Nitra, Slovakia


    IMO, the Xara organised logo competition was something different. It was call for support from our favourite software developer whom everyone of us would be proud to return at least a little bit of what we earned using their software. Not to forget that we all knew that the logo chosen will used by the company that has the necessary reputation to get the logo used and exposed which is a prize with unidentifiable value. That's why so many of us entered the challenge.

    However, maybe you have noticed that logo competitions aren't held this way. They are usually anonymous and works are evaluated by the jury. The logo designs aren't exposed to public comparison (at least not before the winner is announced). Also the prizes for the winning logo designs have usually more digits than 3.

    I think that challenges of this kind are devaluating forum relationships. Some people here are professionals, some are not and it's clearly visible everytime there is this kind of forum challenge. Therefore I would rather suggest not to offer undignified prizes which professionals find offensive and rather make it prize-free, or make the logo competition go non-public under clear rules, taking few respected forum members as jurors. And the most important thing! You should guarantee that the chosen logo (if there will be any) will be used by the company and that it will not end in "trash".


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>OklaEd: I'm not "offended" by the "competition" because ED has been around awhile ... and I don't believe he is trying to "abuse the priviledge" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    --- I'm confident that no one was "offended"... I'm also sure that everyone knows ED was not trying to "abuse the priviledge"... I'm postive everyone knows that his intentions were good.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>OklaEd: <snip> wouldn't want to "offend" any of the sensitive types around here <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    --- I haven't come across any of those "sensitive types" in my 4 years here at the Xara related boards?

    OklaEd, if look at Jens' and Romans' post (and all in between), I think you will get an idea of some of the reservations some of us might have of posts of this kind.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors


    Ed - Am I correct in understanding that the logo will be for your local WECKBA (Windsor Essex Chatham Kent Bowling Association)and not some national body? I found your initial explanation a little confusing.

    Am I also correct in understanding WECKBA covers only ten-pin bowling and that you don't use the balls with the finger holes? (we ain't all bowlers here! ) I mention the 'no holes' because that might well be relevant in logo designs.

    Besides bowlers and their fancy shoes, is there anything distinctive about the Windsor-Essex-Chatham-Kent area that might influence a logo design?

    Regards, Ross (de-sensitized by beer)




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