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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Unfold Text effect possible with WD?


    some websites have a few lines of text on the frontpage and at the bottom of this text there is a "read more"-link or button. If the "read more" was clicked, the text was unfolded and the rest of the text was visible. The following content of the webpage was moved down.
    Is it possible to have such an unfold text effect with WD?

    (i hope you understand what i mean)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Unfold Text effect possible with WD?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Unfold Text effect possible with WD?

    Hi John,

    thank you for your hint. The example is moving the entire contents down, but this is not what i want. If i have a 3 column website and in the middle column there is the content which should be folded and unfolded then only the following content in this middle column should be moved. I thought there is a easy way in WD for this
    At this time, I think it's to complecated for me, because i have no javascript knowledge. It's time to learn.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors

    Default Re: Unfold Text effect possible with WD?

    Sebastian - There is no easy way to do that as the way it is usually done would involve dynamically repositioning things that Xara-WD is designed to locate accurately for its wysiwyg functionality to work. Plus features like repelling text could not work if it had to happen inside the html since html doesn't support repelling.

    As you are aware the effect you are after requires javascript to make a swap of text. You might be able to fake the effect in Xara-WD by taking a very different approach. I'm thinking you could have various versions of the text on layers that could be swapped when you want to see or don't see the expanded paragraph. (Your layers wouldn't just be the expanded paragraph part but also include all text who's position is effected by the expanded paragraph. You'd have to position the layers above each other so the viewer doesn't see any unintended shifts).

    Hopefully this might give you some ideas to try. The important thing is to try to understand the features Xara-WD gives you. With them you might find there is the flexibility to achieve most things you can imagine -- just not the same ways they are realized in other programs.

    Regards, Ross




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